Latest Episodes

January 27, 2023
Episode #24 - Productive, Not Perfect
Are you falling victim to the fear of things not being perfect? Do you procrastinate because you don’t have the right organizing tools or...
January 10, 2023
Episode #23 - Productivity Wars: How to Deal With Your Lazy Co-Worker
Is there one person on your work team that doesn’t pull their weight? Or the one whose energy brings everyone down? Do you cringe...

May 06, 2022
Episode #22 - Fit and Frenzied: How is Your Fitbit Treating Your Productivity?
Do you wear a Fitbit smart watch, Apple Watch, or some other wearable device? If so, you won’t want to miss this episode! We’re...

April 22, 2022
Episode #21 - Have You Experienced "Hot Potato" Productivity?
There are probably two types of people in this world, those who can engage in “Hot Potato Productivity'' and those who do not. “Hot...

April 08, 2022
Episode #20 - Asking For Help, When You Should Have Your S#*T Together!
Do you ever feel like you have to always keep it together? And show no signs of weakness and successfully juggle it all? We...

March 25, 2022
Episode #19 - Productivity Avoidance
In today’s episode, we’re discussing “productivity avoidance.” That sounds bad, doesn’t it? This is the term we’ve given to situations where you are being...